Alexa, VR, & More: WordPress as the Hub of Your Digital Experience

As the demands placed on the web continue to rapidly expand, businesses will move away from a browser-centric and siloed internet presence towards more pervasive and multichannel digital experiences.  Integrations across a larger set of technologies will become dominant with emphasis on user expectations for security, personalization, and cross-device utilization.

Modern organizations will continuously develop, deploy, and undergo change and the demand for a centralized content hub will only become more critical. WordPress, with 30% of the web’s audience listening, is positioned to be the solution of choice for this hub. Through integrations with emerging technologies such as voice assistants, chatbots, IoT devices, and AR/VR, WordPress has the potential to manage and push content outside of the browser and through this impending evolution.

In this session, we will explore the array of technologies entering these new spaces and discuss how to prepare your business practices and development teams for the next iteration of the web. We’ll focus on new market opportunities, possible product ideas, and how to leverage cloud services to mature your websites into future-ready digital experiences, powered by WordPress.
