Growth Spark Supports WordCamp Boston

We’re happy to have WordCamp Boston 2010 sponsor Growth Spark back for another year.

Ross Beyeler, the founder, writes:

Personally I’ve been working with WordPress since the days of Duke but more professionally, Growth Spark has been developing WordPress-based websites since 2008. We’ve grown quite fond of *cough, obsessed with* WordPress and everything it can do. Sponsoring WordCamp Boston is our opportunity to show give back to a community that has given us so much.

We sponsored WordCamp Boston 2010 and had a blast with everyone who attended. We’re looking forward to a bigger crowd, bigger venue and bigger impact for this year’s event. Growth Spark will have a solid crew in attendance, so please don’t be shy to pull one of us aside and nerd out on all things WP!

That’s a big expectation to live up to – last year’s WCBOS wasn’t called #bestwordcampever for nothing – but we’re excited to try!

Thanks Ross and everyone at Growth Spark for supporting the WordPress community generally and specifically WordCamp Boston 2011.

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