Are you in charge of a college or university website? Has your website outgrown itself, is the creative inconsistent /outdated and static HTML pages a bear to maintain? If so, you will want to come to my session, WordPress as a Higher-Ed Content Management Solution.
In this session, you will learn about how an *Army of One* brought together Marketing, IT and a skeptical community college using WordPress as a CMS (the College’s first), for their first major public redesign in over 6 years. Learn about how WordPress allows a team of three to maintain control of presentation and functionality while empowering individual departments to directly manage their own content.
Really honest assessment of the pain and process of taking differing constituencies and a practically non-existent development team and turning out a site that the whole school is proud of. I gave you a big thumbs up on my blog posting about Wordcamp 2011.
Hi! Is the information from this session available for higher ed colleagues in the same boat?