One of the most popular elements of WordCamp Boston 2010 (aka #bestwordcampever) was Ignite WordCamp, a series of lightning-talk style presentations we did Saturday evening. We’ll be doing Lightning Talks this year as well – get yours in now!
Lightning Talks
Lightning Talks for WordCamp Boston 2011 will be in the 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide format, which means each talk is 6 minutes and 40 seconds long. (This is the format Pecha Kucha uses).
Please submit lighting talk proposals here by July 11th. Selection from proposed talks will be made by the organizing committee – we’re looking for fun, interesting, and insightful (not necessarily in that order).
For inspiration, you can watch Ignite WordCamp Boston 2010 presentations.
We’re very excited to about WordCamp Boston this year, and look forward to seeing another round of interesting lightning talks!