As they are finalizing the planning over at WordCamp San Francisco, Jane Wells put out a call for the best WordCamp speakers:
This is about as basic a survey as there is. Tell us the three best WordCamp presentations you saw in the past year or so. For each, give the presenters name, the topic (exact title not necessary) and which WordCamp it was at (important).
1. Joe Shmoe, Using the Loop, WordCamp Sheboygan 2011
2. Jane Doe, Top 5 WordPress Plugins, WordCamp La Mancha 2010
3. Lee Smith, Your First Core Patch, WordCamp Atlantis 2011That’s it. We don’t need your name or any info at all, just your three top speaker votes. We’ll take a look at the people with the most votes, and consider them for WCSF if they’re not already in the application pool. Thanks for your help in making this year’s conference better and more WordPressy than ever.
Check out Jane’s post ot go directly to the survey.
You might want to weigh in on your favorites from WordCamp Boston . . .
Hi, When are videos being posted to
Working on it – give it a few weeks . . .