Registered attendees are listed here. (Having some issues with sort order at the moment).
- Aaron Fuegi
- Aaron Jorbin
- Aaron L'Heureux
- Aaron Radez
- Abe Dubin
- Adam Backstrom
- Adam Hansen
- Adam Nason
- AK Adapa
- Alan Bergstein
- Albert Willis
- Alex Bachuk
- Alex Brokordt
- Alex Meriwether
- Alex Turnwall
- Alison Morando
- Allyson Every
- Ama Edzie
- Amanda Narcisi
- Amir Rashid
- Amy Kvistad
- Amy Lannon
- Anabel Tonkovic
- Andi Schroeder
- Andrea Hurley
- Andrea Parent
- Andrew Constantine
- Andrew Jones
- Andrew Norcross
- Andrew Smith
- Andrew Tripp
- Andy Rader
- Anisa Raoof
- Anita Harris
- Ann Kingman
- Anne Johnson
- anne pouch
- Arwin Holmes
- Ashley Carroll
- Ashley Williams
- Asif Rahman
- Austin Whipple
- barbara oliver
- Barry Pugatch
- Becky Daroff
- Becky Weller
- Ben Banjeskiwatso
- Ben DeGennaro
- Ben Doherty
- Ben Newcomer
- Ben Plomion
- Ben Riseman
- Ben Sheldon
- Ben Tyler
- Benjamin Brewin
- Benjamin Caplan
- Bethany Martin
- Betsy Shane
- Beverly Chappell
- Bill Dennen
- Bill Gruber
- Boaz Sender
- Bob Daniels
- Bobbie Carlton
- Bonnie Cohen
- Brad Williams
- Bradley Jacobs
- Brendan Gannon
- Brendan Kearney
- Brian Baldeck
- Brian Bigda
- Brian Casel
- Brian Herzog
- Brian Johnson
- Brian Weiss
- Bronwyn Hawkins
- Bruce Allen
- Bruce Berger
- Bruce Garber
- Bruce Greer
- Bruce Greer
- C.C. Chapman
- Caitlin McCartan
- Carl Eric Johnson
- Carol Gray
- Caroline S. Wheeler
- Carrie Nagle
- Carrie Pizanie
- Casie Gillette
- Cathy Fahey
- Charlene DeLoach Oliver
- Charles Interrante
- Charlotte Crockford
- Cheryl Iwamoto
- Cheryl Savit
- Chris Beaman
- Chris Becker
- Chris Caporaso
- Chris Christensen
- Chris Kotfila
- Chris Strauber
- Christina DiMeo
- Christina Dulude
- Christina Inge
- Christine Benoit
- Christine Green
- Christine Jackson
- Christine Mohan
- Christine Morgan
- Christine Swinimer
- Christopher Cochran
- Christopher Dixson
- Christopher Giles
- Christopher Murray
- Christopher Penn
- Christy Rosso
- Claire A. Murray
- Clint Chizinski
- Cyndi Papia
- Cyri Jones
- D.K. Smith
- Dan LaManna
- Daniel Bachhuber
- Daniel Collis-Puro
- Daniel Quinn
- Daniela Dana
- Daniella Norwood
- Danielle Griffin
- Danielle DosReis
- Dara Sussman
- Darius Kazemi
- Darren Torpey
- Daryl Koopersmith
- Dave Landon
- Dave Willis
- David Benedetti
- David Gadarian
- David Martinko
- David Wells
- Deb Abraham
- Dennis Breslin
- Derek Christensen
- Derek Edmond
- Diana Griffith
- Dionna Britt
- Donna Berger
- Donna Donohue
- Donna Thach
- Dorota Socha
- Dorry Clay
- Doug Wales
- Doug Yuen
- Douglas Hanna
- Ed Friedman
- Ed Gray
- Ed Justen
- Ed Orsini
- Edward Kim
- Eileen McMahon
- Elena Marrotte
- Elisa Doucette
- Elizabeth Bolton
- Elizabeth Roepken
- Elizabeth Scheidegg
- Elizabeth Thomsen
- Ellen Moore
- Ellen Slotnick
- Emily Wheeler
- Eric Hobart
- Eric Holsinger
- Eric Salerno
- Erick Hitter
- Erika Diaz
- Erin Boudreau
- Erin Harris
- Etsuko Snyder
- Evan Leek
- Evan Sobkowicz
- Eveleen Sung
- Fay Naaijkens
- Frederick Townes
- Gary Slickman
- Geoff House
- George Whitcher
- Gerry Walden
- Gordon Christie
- Grant Staublin
- Gregory Cornelius
- Gregory Duval
- Hanna Arnold
- Helen Hou-Sandi
- Helen McLean
- Henry Lee
- Inderpreet Singh
- Isabelle Izika
- Jack DeManche
- Jack Happnie
- Jackie Chan
- Jake DiMare
- Jake Goldman
- Jake Rainis
- Jake Rainis
- Jake Shauli
- James Burke
- James Coletti
- James Dudley
- James Jones
- James Mitchell
- Jane Quigley
- Janet Graham
- Janet Kyle
- Jared Hankle
- Jared Harbour
- Jason DeVarennes
- Jason Gallagher
- Jason Hogue
- Jay Collier
- Jean Costello
- Jean Stoner
- Jeanne Leblanc
- Jeff Gandt
- Jeff Green
- Jeff Robinson
- Jeffrey Kereakoglow
- Jeffrey Liptrap
- Jeffrey Trull
- Jennifer Ecker
- Jenzel Espares
- Jeremy Clarke
- Jerry Johnson
- jess ostroff
- Jesse Friedman
- Jesse S. McDougall
- Jessica Carwile
- Jim Dugan
- Jim Sickorez
- Jim Spencer
- Joanne Achin
- Joanne Barker
- Joe Lepain
- Joe Mercieri
- Joe Morris
- joe vance
- Joel Ohman
- John de Szendeffy
- John Eckman
- John Gadbois
- John Gjika
- John Gray
- John Haydon
- John James Jacoby
- John ODay
- John Resig
- Jon Bishop
- Jon DiPietro
- Jon Ellis
- Jonah Goldstein
- Jonathan Baker
- Jonathan Christopher
- Jonathan Masullo
- Jonathan May
- Jonathan Silverman
- Jonathan Stiebel
- Josh Fialkoff
- Josh Larkin
- Josh Lyford
- Joshua Espares
- Joshua Kim
- Judy Perrin
- Juli Jorgensen
- Julie McCay Turner
- Julie Sedens
- K. Adam White
- K. Schepici
- Kara Brickman
- Kara Mullen
- Karen Rubin
- Karen Zgoda
- Kat Hasenauer Cornetta
- Kate Turcotte
- Kathleen Lyons
- Kathleen Merriam
- Kathy Moramarco
- Katie Crommett
- Katie Meurin
- Kelley Kassa
- Kelly Dwan
- Kelly Morrissey
- Kelly Razzano
- Ken Loderick
- Kent Krekorian
- Kerch McConlogue
- Kevin Cristiano
- Kevin Grocki
- Kevin Kauzlaric
- Kevin Richardson
- Kheidee Zamora
- Kierstin Wesolowski
- Kim Turcotte
- Kiril Alexandrov
- Kristen Yngve
- Kristie Reilly
- Kristopher Kelly
- Kun-Tee Chang
- Kurt Eng
- Kurt Fendt
- Kurt Greiner
- Kyle Dickson
- Kyle Ouellette
- Lani Sanethong
- Lanna Lee Maheux-Quinn
- Lara Schenck
- Larry Rampulla
- Laura Cristiano
- Lauren Stanton
- Laurie Bragg
- Laurie Toth
- Leah Berk
- Lee Hecker
- Levi Perkins
- Linda Boback
- Linda E. Bruce
- Linda Varone
- Lucas Hibbard
- Luther Weeks
- Lynda Longmire
- Marc Baizman
- Marc Lavallee
- Marci Reynolds
- Marco Krcatovich II
- Marcus Whitney
- Maren Brown
- Margaret Isham
- Margie Matteson
- Margot Bloomstein
- Margy Rydzynski
- Maria Rubio
- Mark Ayre
- Mark Orton
- Mark Slade
- Mark Sobkowicz
- Mark Tourtellott
- Martha DiMeo
- Marty Thornley
- Marvin Kane
- Mary Camerlengo
- Mary Johannessen
- Mary Tanner
- Matt Almeida
- Matt Beals
- Matt Fredenburg
- Matt Ulvila
- Matthew Batchelder
- Matthew Nelson
- Maura Browne
- Max Cutler
- Meg Secatore
- Mel Choyce
- Melinda Moses
- Melody Phaneuf
- Meredith Case
- Meredith Tufts
- Michael Andrade
- Michael Blanchard
- Michael Cardinali
- Michael Daniel
- Michael Devaney
- Michael Flint
- Michael Kelly
- Michael Susz
- Michael Torbert
- Michaelangelo McKasty
- Michele Morgan
- Michelle Benedetti
- Michelle Johnson
- Michelle Kennedy
- Mike Gaudette
- Mike Burns
- Mike Donahue
- Mike Escutia
- Mike Hoefer
- Mimi Kantor
- mitcho
- Monique NB
- Myrna Greenfield
- Nancy A. Shaw
- Nancy Boyle
- Nancy Forsell
- Nancy Loderick
- Natalie Hecker
- Nathan Bieniek
- Nathaniel Boyle
- Neil Lancia
- Niki Brown
- Noelia Santa Ana
- Noreen Murphy
- Oksana Masliichuk
- Pam Snell
- Pat Carroll
- Patricia Browne
- Patricia Mandell
- Patricia Morley
- Paul Beaulieu
- Paul Krygowski
- Paul Lyzun
- Paul Sanschagrin
- Peg Hedstrom
- Peggy MacNeil
- Pete Davies
- Peter Cohen
- Peter Kery
- Phoebe Sinclair
- Phyllis Zusman
- Pia Cardinali
- PK Shiu
- Rachel Avery
- Rachel Barnhard
- Rachel Eastwood
- Rachel Murray
- Rachel Steele
- Rachel Willcox
- Rebecca Mackley
- Reiko Beach
- Rob Aubin
- Robert Ezzell
- Robert Ivan
- robert oresick
- Robin Maxfield
- Robin Muir
- Robin Whelton
- Ron Yeany
- Ronald Ko
- Ross Beyeler
- Rudy Seber
- Ryan Boyle
- Ryan Holbrook
- Ryan Salter
- Ryan Travis
- Sachiko Goodyear
- Sam Huntley
- Sam Napolitano
- Sam Roach
- Samantha Gruskin
- Sandra Wolfe
- Sara Cannon
- Sara Levy
- sarah cortes
- Sarah Foley
- Sarah Foster
- Sarah Hines
- Sarah-Grace Thomas
- Scott Buquor
- Sédat Firat
- Selena Craig
- Seth Goodman
- Sharon Livingston
- Shaun Bossio
- Shauna McNamara
- Shea Baker
- Sheila Oliver
- Sheila Selby
- Shelly Cole
- Shruti Maidam
- Spencer Arritt
- sri krishnamurthy
- Stanley Dankoski
- Stefanie Lauria
- Stephanie Obodda
- Stephanie Schechter
- Stephen Leek
- Steve Mortiboy
- Steve Sherlock
- Steve Stearns
- Steven Demers
- Sue Yarworth
- Susan Babb
- susan lyons
- Susan Walsh
- Susanna Hall
- Suzana Lisanti
- Sydney Janey
- Szu-Yu Huang
- Tammy Robert-Bessette
- Tasha Watson
- Ted Villa
- Teresa Loftin
- Terri Bair
- Terry Murphy
- Thomas Campbell
- Tim Blacquier
- Tim LeBlanc
- Tim Mabbott
- Tim Norris
- Tim Rand
- Tim Wright
- Timothy Orazem
- Tom Beach
- Tom Carney
- Tom Catalini
- Tom Dennesen
- Tom Hogan
- Tom Iglehart
- Tom O'Brien
- Trevor MacDowell
- Trisha Smith
- Tyler Whittaker
- Valerie Marino
- Valerie Marino
- Vanessa Martin
- Victoria Maxfield
- Victoria Land
- Vid Lither
- Vijay Kanabar
- Vivian Dennis
- Wayne Kurtzman
- Wei He
- Wesley Lindamood
- Wesley Roepken
- Will Rosenberg
- William F. Zachmann
- William P. Davis
- Willie Jackson
- younia kowal
- Yuquian Liu
- Yvonne Christian
- Zoe Shih
I worked as a volunteer last year and received a complimentary ticket to the 2011 WordCamp. How do I become an official registered attendee? Thank you, and looking forward to learning more good stuff!
Actually volunteers were not given complimentary tickets to the 2011 camp, but were promised they would be able to register before anyone else for 2011. (In other words, that if we were going to sell out again, they’d be guaranteed to have the option to purchase tickets).
I was one of the primary organizers last year as well, and I’ve reviewed this with all the other organizers from last year, including the primarily volunteer coordinator.
I’m sorry that this doesn’t match your understanding, but it is and was the policy.
I actually don’t begrudge the $40 to attend, but please be aware that you probably will have a number of confused former volunteers showing up next month. It’s been 18 months since the last WordCamp and due to my limited housekeeping skills, I still have the email and what certainly looks like a complimentary ticket to bring to the door. I can forward to you if you would like.
Understood, Em – that’s why we posted earlier this week about the confusion over eventbrite tickets versus actual registrations.
We used Eventbrite as a way of keeping an email list between camps – but unfortunately Eventbrite refers to any signup as a “ticket”
I hear you. But I suspect there will likely be many who don’t check out the posts (like me, usually) and who will not know this. Also, those with “tickets” like mine that look totally official (not just “I’m interested”) may think that post does not refer to them … maybe add a ticket like mine to the post? Not trying to be a pain, actually trying to avoid pain for this year’s registration volunteers.
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